All Executive pay articles
Why tax should be on the agenda for responsible investors
In this episode, Sebastien Akbik, Corporate Governance Analyst at the PRI spoke with Kiran Aziz, Head of Responsible Investments from KLP and Daniel Mulé, Policy Lead, Extractive Industries Tax and Transparency from Oxfam America.
Blog post
How is CEO pay set?
By Alex Edmans and Tom Gosling, London Business School; and Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics and Political Science
Putting the Principles into practice: Principle 1
Learn how the PRI can support signatories implement Principle 1: incorporating ESG issues into investment processes across asset classes. We present the tools and guidance PRI has developed to help - regardless of your investment objectives or strategies
The proposed global tax reforms – can they eliminate profit shifting?
Our guest speakers, Alex Cobham from Tax Justice Network and Ryan Gurule from the FACT Coalition will be sharing their insights on the global tax reforms and implications for investors.
ESG-linked pay: What does the research say?
This article examines the academic evidence around ESG-linked pay and the role it can play in incentivising and rewarding ESG performance
ESG-linked pay: Recommendations for investors
A set of investor recommendations on driving more meaningful integration of ESG metrics in executive pay, including through voting
Blog post
Paving the way towards sustainable corporate governance in the EU
By Athanasia Karananou, Head, Corporate Governance and Elise Attal, Head of EU and UK policy, PRI
Blog post
Capitol riots: a call for investors to rethink corporate political donations
By Vaishnavi Ravishankar, Senior Analyst, ESG and Emmet McNamee, Senior Specialist, Stewardship, PRI
Blog post
Embedding sustainability into executive pay
By Vaishnavi Ravishankar, Senior Analyst, ESG, PRI
Academic research
Why and how investors can respond to income inequality
The gap in income and wealth between the very affluent and the rest of society has become one of the most noteworthy socio-economic issues of our time.
PRI in Person 2017 - Reinventing remuneration: making executive pay work
Many stakeholders now recognise that current models of remuneration are not working and that a fundamental overhaul is needed. But there are still many open questions: in this session, we will debate the answers.
Blog post
Say on Pay - getting your voice heard
In recent years Say on Pay has become a corporate governance and responsible investment buzzword and has been at the forefront of discussions around executive remuneration.
Engagement guide
How to integrate ESG issues into executive pay: a review of utilities and extractives
Research and insights on the extent to which ESG factors are incorporated into pay design in the utilities and extractives sectors
Engagement guide
Integrating ESG issues into executive pay
A series of recommendations for engagement between investors and companies on ESG-linked pay, based on discussions facilitated by the PRI and Global Compact LEAD
Engagement guide
Data from extractives and utilities sector research
The research analysis below summarises the practices of 84 extractive and utility companies included in major stock indices in North America, Europe, and Australia.
Engagement guide
ESG issues and executive pay: insights from company dialogue
The investor-company dialogue and research uncovered key additional insights to the recommendations of the 2012 guidance:
Engagement guide
ESG issues and executive pay: 2012 investor recommendations
The following tips come from the 2012 project:
Blog post
Long-term capitalism
In these articles, Barton and Wiseman outline their view that the short-term approaches to managing and investing in companies, approaches which were responsible for the financial crisis, still exist.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 3: Long-termism in financial markets
Why is there so little academic research on long termism in financial markets?