All Environmental issues articles – Page 7
Case study
EOS at Federated Hermes: promoting human capital management through engagement
Case study by EOS at Federated Hermes
Case study
Southern Asset Management: fixed income engagement in the Chinese context
Case study by Southern Asset Management (SAM)
Case study
Vista Equity Partners: partnering with portfolio companies to measure emissions and set targets
Vista Equity Partners is working with portfolio companies to measure, report, reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions.
Case study
Storebrand Asset Management: Leading the Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation
Active Ownership 2.0 case study
Engaging on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards
Under PRI’s Driving Meaningful Data programme, we will work with our signatories to engage and provide feedback on the developments around the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Policy report
Investor briefing: EU sustainable finance taxonomy
This briefing provides an overview of the EU taxonomy, including a proposed delegated act on gas and nuclear energy.
Workshop summary
Bringing together sovereign debt investors and index providers
Investors in sovereign debt met with six index providers to discuss opportunities, and challenges, in creating ESG indexes for the asset class. This workshop summary includes ideas and insights from both groups.
Blog post
Partisanship and climate-exposed property purchases – a threat to investment in mitigation and adaption?
By Asaf Bernstein, Stephen B. Billings and Ryan Lewis, University of Colorado; and Matthew Gustafson, Penn State University
Case study
Openspace Ventures: ESG value creation work at start-ups
Openspace Ventures on how it works with companies to create long-term value creation strategies that can scale sustainable businesses.
Case study
Mouro Capital: Providing post-investment ESG support to portfolio companies
Mouro Capital discusses its post-investment approach to supporting companies to develop and grow their ESG practices.
Case study
Fin Capital: ESG incorporation in venture capital investment
Fin Capital on why ESG metrics are as important as financial measurements and how it works with companies to close any identified gaps.
Case study
Wafra: Taking a holistic approach to ESG diligence in venture capital
Wafra Inc. discusses its practical approach to ESG integration, which focuses on financially or operationally material issues.
Discussion paper
Closing the funding gap: The case for ESG incorporation and sustainability outcomes in emerging markets
How investors can use responsible investment practices to manage risk and meet return objectives while working towards closing the emerging markets funding gap.
ESG leadership in listed equity episode 4
In this episode of the PRI podcast, the PRI’s senior lead in listed equities, Michal Bartek speaks with Steve Lydenberg, a partner at Domini Social Investments.
Blog post
What does international conflict mean for responsible investment?
By Nathan Fabian, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, PRI
Putting the Principles into practice: Principle 1
Learn how the PRI can support signatories implement Principle 1: incorporating ESG issues into investment processes across asset classes. We present the tools and guidance PRI has developed to help - regardless of your investment objectives or strategies
Market review: trends in ESG incorporation
In this session the panelists will explore key trends in ESG investing observed.
ESG in credit risk and ratings: Modelling uncertainty in credit risk
This webinar, organised as part of the ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings Initiative, explores the differences between forecasts and scenario analysis, in particular, how to consider different time horizons in credit risk assessments.