All Environmental issues articles – Page 4
PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: Investment manager practices
There are many responsible investment practices that are now widely practised among the PRI’s investment manager signatories. A large majority publish core policies and have executive oversight of their implementation.
Engagement guide
Climate programmes and investor initiatives
Implementation is key for investors’ net zero commitments. A significant proportion of PRI signatories have set near-term net zero targets consistent with the Paris Agreement. The PRI aims to help them deliver on their commitments through initatives such as the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance.
Blog post
The effectiveness of divestment strategies
By Alex Edmans, London Business School; Doron Levit, University of Washington; and Jan Schneemeier, Indiana University
Are corporate boards responding to successful shareholder ESG proposals?
Why corporate board responsiveness to shareholder proposals that receive significant support matters.
Filing a shareholder proposal in Australia
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in Australia
Understanding how US agencies consider ESG factors in commercial mortgages: Freddie Mac Multifamily
This series of two webinars will explore the US agencies’ approach in incorporating ESG factors in their strategy, in order to enable a sustainable housing market. This second session will focus on Freddie Mac Multifamily’s approach.
New Green Shoots 2023 - Closing the gap in financing the GBF
In this webinar, we present the headline outcomes of the GBF for the financial sector.
Understanding how US agencies consider ESG factors in residential mortgages: Fannie Mae Single Family
This series of two webinars will explore the US agencies’ approach in incorporating ESG factors in their strategy, in order to enable a sustainable housing market. This first session will focus on Fannie Mae Single Family’s approach.
Blog post
Sustainability outcomes: How can investors support the development of meaningful data?
By Stephen Andrews, Senior Data Analyst, and Julie Hammer-Monart, Senior Analyst, Sustainability Outcomes
Policy report
Investor briefing: Signatory comments on SEC proposed rule
Signatory comments on the SEC Proposed Rule, “Enhanced Disclosures by Certain Investment Advisers and Investment Companies about Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Practices”
News and press
ASCOR Consultation to Assess Sovereign Debt Issuers on Climate Change
Assessing Sovereign Climate-Related Opportunities and Risks (ASCOR) is the first, public investor framework to assess sovereign bond issuers on climate change.
Blog post
How do natural areas affect financial markets?
By Claudio Rizzi, University of Miami – Miami Herbert Business School
News and press
Latest climate policy & progress assessment from IPR
New catalyst for climate action: Race to the top emerging between China, US & EU
Thought leadership
New IPR report examines global Race to the top on clean energy
Race to the top on clean energy – The US and EU response to China’s dominance: A new catalyst for more renewables involves a likely chain reaction of industrial policies for green industries in Western countries as evidenced in the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan.
Sovereign sustainable bonds – a fast-evolving, innovative market
Many governments are turning to labelled sustainable bonds, and Latin American sovereigns have been particularly innovative.
Blog post
Continuing the winning streak
By Lorenzo Saa, former Chief Signatory Relations Officer, PRI
What’s next for Investor Climate Action Plans in 2023
Following COP 27 in Egypt and PRI in Person in Barcelona, join this session to find out the key emerging themes and what matters for investors amidst all of the noise.
Blog post
Why we need to talk about resourcing stewardship
By Clara Melot, Specialist, Stewardship (Active Ownership 2.0), PRI
Inevitable Policy Response - Launch of IPR Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) + Nature & implications for investors
This webinar will launch the new Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) + Nature. IPR FPS + Nature is the first integrated nature and climate scenario for use by financial institutions
PRI supports progress on IFRS Sustainability Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the efforts by the IFRS Foundation and IOSCO to develop a globally shared baseline for reporting on sustainability-related financial information, encourages continued work towards this objective and calls for interoperability between the future IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and jurisdictional initiatives.