All Emerging Markets articles
Case study
Mainstreaming human rights to create a safe working culture
Prioritising human rights leads to tangible benefits for companies and employees.
Case study
LeapFrog Investments: evaluating the impact of healthcare interventions
LeapFrog Investments pioneers the use of DALYs and SROI in private healthcare to quantify impact, guide capital allocation and enhance risk-adjusted returns.
Case study
ILX Fund I: Mobilising private capital towards emerging markets
The Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia Pacific (IAST APAC) initiative is an investor-led, multistakeholder project established in 2020 to engage with companies in the Asia-Pacific region to promote effective action in finding, fixing and preventing modern slavery in operations and supply chains.
ESG data for sovereign bonds: the what, the why and the how
This session, co-hosted by the PRI and the Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA), will help investors and other market participants understand where to find countries’ ESG data, what it shows, and how to use it.
Case study
Linzor: Responsible and active ownership in emerging market private equity
Implementing ESG and impact-related initiatives during the investment holding period
Case study
Itaú AM: Integrating climate scenarios into investments
Considering climate risks and opportunities in the investment process
Case study
UBS SDIC FMC: Bridging the gap in ESG integration standards
Developing ESG integration practices through investing in non-domestic markets
Case study
SBIFM: Applying an ESG assessment framework to IPO companies
Leveraging the pre-listing period to improve companies’ ESG data disclosures
Case study
China Southern Asset Management: Application of a carbon emissions database
China Southern Asset Management is one of the first Chinese asset managers to establish a carbon emissions database covering all equity portfolios
Case study
Fidelity International: Early-stage stewardship in the Chinese market
Case study by Fidelity International
Case study
Manulife Investment Management: enhancing gender diversity in Chinese holdings
Case study by Manulife Investment Management
Case study
E Fund Management: improving corporate governance in China through engagement
Case study by E Fund
Case study
Harvest Fund Management: Exercising stewardship to drive transitions towards carbon neutrality
Case study by Harvest Fund Management
Case study
EOS at Federated Hermes: promoting human capital management through engagement
Case study by EOS at Federated Hermes
Case study
Southern Asset Management: fixed income engagement in the Chinese context
Case study by Southern Asset Management (SAM)
Case study
Storebrand Asset Management: Leading the Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation
Active Ownership 2.0 case study