All Driving meaningful data articles
Policy engagement
PRI response to IASB consultation on climate illustrative examples
Global: The PRI welcomes the IASB’s proposed guidance illustrating how companies should apply IFRS Accounting Standards when reporting the effects of climate-related and other uncertainties in the financial statements.
Policy report
Briefing: A comparative analysis of climate disclosure rules and standards
This briefing compares climate disclosure requirements within the ISSB standards, US SEC climate disclosure rule and European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Understanding the data needs of responsible investors
Responsible investors need decision-useful data to inform their investment process and reporting. Recent developments in standards, rules and laws regarding corporate sustainability disclosure aim to address these data needs.
Policy report
Consultation on the PRI’s Investor Data Needs Framework
The PRI consulted on its Investor Data Needs (IDN) Framework from June 2023 to March 2024.
Policy engagement
PRI response to EFRAG consultation on draft ESRS implementation guidance
Global: The PRI published a response to EFRAG’s consultation on draft implementation guidance for the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), setting out recommendations to improve the decision-usefulness of ESRS reporting for investors.
Policy report
Briefing: Summary of the inaugural ISSB Standards
In June 2023 the ISSB released final versions of its first two sustainability reporting standards. This briefing note aims to support signatories by summarising reporting requirements within the standards, including requirements set out in the Appendices to the standards and accompanying guidance.
Policy report
Climate data and net zero: Closing the gap on investors’ data needs
Investors need robust and reliable climate data to deliver and credibly report on their net zero commitments. However, there are gaps in the data currently available. This report explores where those gaps are and looks at what action could be taken by data providers and other stakeholders to build a ...
PRI response to ISSB consultation on agenda priorities
The PRI published a response to the ISSB’s consultation on its next two-year workplan, setting out recommendations on how the ISSB should prioritise its future activities and research projects across sustainability topics to better meet investor data needs.
PRI response to ISSB Consultation on Internationalising SASB Standards
The PRI welcomes the ISSB’s proposed methodology to internationalise references within the SASB Standards, which are now part of the IFRS Foundation, and recommends future enhancements to the Standards to better meet the data needs of responsible investors.
Climate data and net zero commitments: does the market meet investors’ needs?
This session focuses on the PRI’s upcoming report on climate data.
A global baseline for corporate sustainability reporting: investor implications
This session will explore the work of the ISSB and the GSSB, and their implications for responsible investors.
Untangling data needs for responsible investors
This session will explore the updated due diligence questions that investors in real estate should ask their investment managers during selection, appointment and monitoring.
Policy report
The PRI’s Investor Data Needs Framework
This paper sets out the PRI’s Investor Data Needs Framework, which offers a structure to identify decision-useful corporate sustainability data for responsible investors.
Investor associations call for preserving the timeline and integrity of the CSRD and ESRS Set 1
This PRI letter, co-authored with Eurosif, urges the European Commission to maintain the integrity and timeline for implementation of the CSRD and corresponding ESRS Set 1.
Briefing: ISSB decisions on the first set of IFRS Sustainability Standards
From September 2022 to February 2023 the IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) made decisions on its first set of Sustainability Standards. This briefing note summarises all ISSB decisions and therefore provides insight on what information investors might receive from portfolio companies reporting against the final Standards.
PRI supports progress on IFRS Sustainability Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the efforts by the IFRS Foundation and IOSCO to develop a globally shared baseline for reporting on sustainability-related financial information, encourages continued work towards this objective and calls for interoperability between the future IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and jurisdictional initiatives.
PRI in Person 2022: Breakout 2A - Committed to net zero: tackling key implementation challenges
This session will tackle challenges around implementing net zero commitments featuring case studies, guidance and collaboration across the finance sector including through the initiatives in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
Blog post
Sustainability information is crucial for valuing companies – and high-quality data is key
René van Merrienboer, Director of Sustainable Markets, PRI, and Pepijn Rijvers, Executive Vice-President, Redefining Value, World Business Council for Sustainable Development