All Deforestation articles
Case study
AXA IM Alts: Financing natural capital restoration
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Nature
Stepping up on biodiversity: how are investors taking action since COP15?
In this webinar, we will explore the type of actions that leading investors are undertaking to contribute to the goal of the GBF to “halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030” and discuss the wider direction of travel for the financial sector to meet both climate and nature goals.
Policy report
Investor Briefing: Independent Review of Net Zero
Chris Skidmore’s recently published Net Zero Review captures the transition to a net zero economy as a major pro-business and pro-investment opportunity. It offers policy recommendations centred around backing business, backing local action, delivering energy efficient homes, and using infrastructure to unlock net zero.
PRI Web Page
The PRI at COP15
The PRI attended the CBD’s 15th conference (COP15) in December in Montré al, Canada, alongside a delegation of 34 signatories, to elevate the financial sector’s voice and unpack the relevant developments for investors.
Case study
NINT: Deforestation-related risks in the Brazilian meatpacking industry
Investors are increasingly concerned about how deforestation-related risks might affect the value of companies in the cattle and meatpacking industry
Case study
Storebrand Asset Management: Leading the Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation
Active Ownership 2.0 case study
ESG in credit risk and ratings: episode 8
In the eighth podcast of a series on the ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings Initiative, Carmen Nuzzo (PRI) speaks with Barbara Mattos (Moody’s Investors Service) and Jod Hsu (NN Investment Partners) about deforestation and how it can affect credit risk analysis.
Case study
Sustainalytics - 10 for 2021 - Investing in the Circular Food Economy
Case study by Sustainalytics
Deforestation as a systemic risk
Deforestation is a systemic risk to the entire financial landscape and has been identified as a priority issue for the upcoming COP26 summit. In this panel, Nigel Topping will explore with leading investors how deforestation can be integrated into their net zero strategies.
Technical guide
TCFD for real assets investors
Implementing the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures in physical assets like property, infrastructure, forestry and farmland.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the food value chain
Credit analysts met with eleven companies from the food value chain to discuss deforestation as it affects soft commodities like palm oil, soy and cattle. Discussions focused on establishing the connection between good ESG practices and cheaper debt.
Deforestation as a credit risk
This webinar looks at deforestation from a credit risk perspective, by exploring how it may affect the probability of default of a debt issuer or of an issue, with various participants of the investment chain.
Case study
EU taxonomy alignment case study: International Woodland Company
The IWC Group is an investment advisor and manager with nearly 30 years of global experience in responsible investing in natural capital landscapes.
Preventing the Next Pandemic: How Can Investors Manage Deforestation Risks?
During this webinar, we will discuss the link between deforestation and viruses such as Covid-19. We will also provide insights into which assessment tools are currently available to investors to better manage deforestation risk in their portfolios.
Case study
Building a diverse forestry sector through further education
Case study by Resource Management Service