All Cyber security articles
Exploring the responsibility of investors in addressing tech addiction
What is tech addiction and why should investors be paying attention to the issue?
Theme 3: Covid-19, privacy rights and cyber security risks
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have introduced measures around bio-surveillance, censorship and misinformation that could have significant impacts on privacy rights.
Navigating cyber security and privacy rights during COVID-19: recommendations for investors
This webinar aims to highlight the implications for investors when assessing companies’ readiness to the threats presented by the pandemic including those relating to digital security, privacy and human rights.
Blog post
Why cyber security and governance should go hand in hand
By Betina Vaz Boni, Analyst, Governance Issues, PRI
Engagement guide
Engaging on cyber security: results of the PRI collaborative engagement 2017-2019 - p3/3
Recommendations for engagement & disclosure expectations
Engagement guide
Engaging on cyber security: results of the PRI collaborative engagement 2017-2019 - p2/3
Cyber security in practice: Insights from the engagement dialogue
Engagement guide
Engaging on cyber security: results of the PRI collaborative engagement 2017-2019
Menu styles Menu Executive summary Cyber security has been recognised as a risk in the World Economic Forum Global Risks Report for several years, with the latest version ranking cyber security as one of the top 10 risks that the world will face in the next ...
News and press
The Global Risks Report 2019: what does it tell PRI signatories?
Published ahead of next week’s Davos, the Global Risks Report provides significant insights into risk to inform government, business and investor action. It asks: is the world sleep walking into a crisis?
Engagement guide
Investor-company dialogue on cyber security: five emerging findings
A study by Accenture found that the global average cost of cyber crime has risen from $7.2 million in 2013 to $11.7 million in 2017. Businesses are under pressure to strengthen their cyber security capabilities and be more effective in managing cyber incidents.
News and press
PRI steps up engagement on cyber security
The PRI today launched findings on how seriously corporates are taking the issue of cyber security, with the publication of Stepping up governance on cyber security: what is corporate disclosure telling investors?
Engagement guide
Corporate disclosure on cyber security governance: key takeaways
While companies generally perceived cyber security as a key organisational risk, very few communicated that they have policies, governance structures and processes that were effective at tackling cyber threats.
PRI Web Page
Engaging with companies on cyber security
Cyber attacks can compromise customer information, operational systems and sensitive business data such as financial data, supplier details and intellectual property.
PRI in Person 2017 - Cyber security: empowering the investor
This session will provide an introduction to cyber security, and identify the key questions that investors should ask.
Responsible investment news roundup - October 2016
Five-minute roundup of the latest responsible investment and ESG news. This month’s topics include the flurry of recent global climate deals, Yahoo’s data breach, gender diversity in mining and Morningstar’s new sustainability indices.