NBS-PRI-ECGI Public Lecture Series - lecture 4

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Date: Thursday, 17 April 2025 
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 SGT | 11:30 - 13:00 BST
In-person venue: Gaia Auditorium, Gaia, 91 Nanyang Ave, Gaia South Academic Building, Singapore 639956

Online platform: Zoom

The NBS-PRI-ECGI Public Lecture Series is a new global joint initiative between Nanyang Business School (NBS), Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) and European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) to facilitate the knowledge exchanges between academics, practitioners, and policymakers in sustainable business.

The series provides monthly in-person or online public lectures. Each lecture will feature a leading academic to present cutting-edge research of a specific topic, and an industry expert to moderate the session, sharing insights from the field and also tailoring audience questions in a way to better enable bridging the gap between research and practice.

In this lecture, Rodolphe Durand will discuss how traditional investment rules often fall short because they succumb to an ‘ecological fallacy’ i.e. ignoring that there exist unintended effects of profit maximisation at the firm level that undermine the conditions for profit-making at the material, natural, and geopolitical levels. His lecture considers how investors could benefit from integrating indicators that account for the ways firms assess operational risks in liaison with the macro-level equilibria that these firms contribute towards. Rodolphe will illustrate this point with his own experience as a board member of a listed company, member of the impact committee of a VC fund, and president of the purpose committee at a PE fund (first fund to become a ‘purpose-based society’ as per French Pacte Law in 2019).




  • Speaker: Rodolphe Durand, Joly Family Chaired Professor in Purposeful Leadership, HEC Paris
  • Host: Yuxia (Sarine) Zou, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Nanyang Business School, NTU Singapore 
  • Moderator: Kenneth Ho, Director of ESG Management, SeaTown Holdings