All Active Ownership 2.0 articles – Page 9
Engagement guide
Encourage collective action to engage on supply chain water risks
To a large degree, water risk derives from the collective use of water by all stakeholders that share a common source.
Engagement guide
Promoting internal and supply chain action to mitigate water risks
Once a company’s water impacts and risks are understood, a response and risk mitigation strategy should be developed and implemented.
Engagement guide
Foster water awareness - developing knowledge of impacts and water risks
As with each element in the framework, developing an awareness of water issues and, over time, an in-depth understanding of the complex and unique nature of water issues facing the company is an ongoing and iterative process.
Engagement guide
An engagement framework for water risks in agricultural supply chains
In partnership with WWF, the PRI developed an engagement framework to facilitate investor dialogue with companies on managing their agricultural supply chain water risk.
Engagement guide
What is agricultural supply chain water risk?
While it is widely recognised that agriculture is the largest global user of water, supply of and demand for water by basin and crop vary considerably.
Engagement guide
Growing water risk resilience: an investor guide on agricultural supply chains
Companies with direct operations and supply chains that are dependent on agriculture, the world’s largest user of water, are exposed to water risks. Those companies that appropriately mitigate these risks and demonstrate good water stewardship characteristics will create value for their shareholders.
Engagement guide
Introduction: Investor guide on water risks in agricultural supply chains
The World Economic Forum highlights water as a top global risk with associated climate, weather, economic, social, competition and infrastructure impacts.
Technical guide
Transparency: A key component of active ownership
Transparency is a key component of active ownership and it forms part of many stewardship codes and principles (i.e. Principle 6, the ICGN Global Stewardship Principles, the OECD Responsible Business Conduct for Institutional Investor and several national stewardship codes).
Technical guide
Assessing external managers and service providers in listed equity investing
When investors decide to partially or fully outsource their active ownership activities to investment managers or specialised service providers, defining criteria to select, appoint and monitor third parties is crucial.
Technical guide
Engagement and voting practices in listed equity
The first step to identify targets for engagement is setting up regular monitoring of investee companies on ESG issues which represent value at risk or potential opportunities for long-term financial performance and impact on the real economy.
Technical guide
Developing an active ownership policy
The first phase of active ownership involves reviewing the investor’s overall investment strategy, including the vision, mission and investment principles of the organisation.
Technical guide
Introduction to active ownership in listed equity
Active ownership is one of the fastest-growing responsible investment strategies in listed equity globally.
Technical guide
A practical guide to active ownership in listed equity
This report outlines concrete steps to make active ownership an effective tool to support long-term value creation in listed equity investing.
Managing ESG risks in the supply chains of private companies and assets
This webinar provides an overview of PRI’s guidance on Managing ESG risk in the supply chains of private companies and assets; as well as a discussion on engaging with portfolio companies to understand and mitigate ESG risks in the supply chain.
News and press
New briefing highlights red flags, recommendations for ensuring responsible working practices in apparel companies
To help investors combat poor working practices in their investee companies’ apparel supply chains, the PRI has released An investor briefing on the apparel industry: moving the needle on responsible labour practices.
ESG engagement for fixed income investors: managing risks, enhancing returns
The PRI, Hermes Investment Management and M&G discuss ESG engagement among fixed income investors.
Engagement guide
Moving the needle on responsible labour practices in the apparel industry
The starting point for respecting human and labour rights is to understand the impact of a company’s activities on people.
Engagement guide
The apparel industry in the spotlight
The apparel industry is a complex sector. Valued at US$3 trillion, the global market accounts for 2% of the world’s GDP.
Engagement guide
Eight recommendations for investors engaging with apparel companies
To encourage apparel companies to improve labour practices in the apparel industry, investors can do a number of things.
Engagement guide
Eleven alerts for investors when engaging with clothing companies
We interviewed a number of investors who have engaged companies on human rights issues.