All Active Ownership 2.0 articles – Page 12
Case study
Case study: Fracking practices at oil and gas companies
As part of the PRI Fracking Engagement, a group of PRI investor signatories – led by Martin Currie, a UK-based investment manager – engaged with an Asian oil and gas company.
Engagement guide
Evolving risks and opportunities in fracking
Despite production of oil and gas from fracked wells soaring, the global oil and gas industry has been slowly decreasing overall production owing to declining oil prices in recent years.
Engagement guide
Engaging with oil and gas companies on fracking: an investor guide
The production of oil and gas via hydraulic fracturing (fracking) remains important and yet can be viewed as a contentious method in some regions, with community controversies, bans and moratoria in different areas.
Shipbreaking practices
Shipbreaking is one of the world’s most dangerous occupations, with severe impacts on human rights and the environment. Annie Bersagel (KLP) joins the PRI’s Valeria Piani to explain why this is important to investors and encourages them to join their current engagement on responsible ship recycling.
Engagement guide
Successfully engaging on anti-bribery and corruption: after initial engagement
After initial engagement: following up and taking it further. Follow-up actions for investors Time-bound calls Agree time-bound goals with companies on their requests for disclosure/systems implementation. Continue communication channels Continue communication with companies to provide feedback on their progress against investor’s expectations. Follow-up actions for companies Keep track of engagement ...
Engagement guide
Successfully engaging on anti-bribery and corruption: during engagement
Investors found that the results generated from benchmarking companies’ disclosure, as well as working in collaboration with other investors, was helpful in securing meetings and initiative the dialogue with selected companies.
Engagement guide
Successfully engaging on anti-bribery and corruption: before engagement
Setting clear targets and expectations is very important, as well as recognising when (and when not) to push companies regarding sensitive areas.
Engagement guide
Achievements of anti-bribery and corruption collaborative engagement
Given the increasing importance of the issue, a group of PRI investors participated in a coordinated engagement on antibribery and corruption between 2013 and 2015.
Engagement guide
Engaging on anti-bribery and corruption
Corruption remains one of the world’s greatest challenges. For businesses, corruption impedes economic growth, distorts competition and represents serious legal and reputational risks. The PRI provides guidance on how investors can assess and engage with investee companies to improve anti-corruption practices and reduce risks.
Engagement guide
From poor working conditions to forced labour - what's hidden in your portfolio?
Recent legislation such as the UK Modern Slavery Act, along with prominent examples of labour breaches in agricultural supply chains - which include child labour in the cocoa industry or forced labour in the seafood industry – are exposing food and beverage companies to heightened operational, regulatory and reputational risks.
Engagement guide
Why engage on agricultural supply chain labour practices?
Improving supply chain labour standards can help mitigate operational, legal/regulatory and reputational risks, as well as present opportunities to benefit from innovative suppliers, access to more markets and contracts, loyal customers, productive/committed employees and secure supplier relationships.
Engagement guide
How to engage with agricultural supply chain companies
The following engagement recommendations are based on findings from the engagement, as well as findings from other stakeholders and sources.
Engagement guide
Expectation 7 for food and beverage companies: target setting and disclosure
In each of the above areas, companies should report regularly and publicly on policies and processes as well as on performance against measureable and time-bound targets. We encourage a combination of quantitative reporting, such as the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, and qualitative reporting, such as the UN Guiding Principles Reporting ...
Engagement guide
Expectation 6 for food and beverage companies: monitoring and corrective action
Companies should regularly assess the labour performance of at least new and existing direct suppliers, and ensure that their direct suppliers assess and monitor their sub-suppliers. Companies should report on the results of these assessments. They should request corrective action plans from non-conforming direct suppliers and sub-suppliers, and, as a ...
Engagement guide
Expectation 5 for food and beverage companies: collaboration on systemic issues
To address systemic issues, companies should collaborate with external stakeholders such as trade unions, civil society organisations, human rights experts, governments, and sector peers.
Engagement guide
Expectation 4 for food and beverage companies: sourcing and supplier relationships
Companies should evaluate suppliers for labour performance, including on minimum labour compliance criteria and on suppliers’ capacity to manage compliance of their own suppliers.