All Active Ownership 2.0 articles – Page 10
Engagement guide
The potential human rights issue companies face when making a t-shirt
Adverse human rights issues and impacts are found throughout the supply chain.
PRI in Person 2017 - FSB Task Force recommendations: what to do next
Delegates at this workshop-style session will hear from FSB Task Force members and have the opportunity to discuss: How can investors encourage companies to disclose better on climate? How can investors better use company disclosures? What can the PRI do to support signatories in this?
Blog post
How ESG engagement creates value: bringing the corporate perspective to the fore
Corporate engagement on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is on the rise among investors. However, the mechanisms through which value is typically created have hitherto been an underexplored area, particularly from a corporate perspective.
PRI Web Page
Investor action on climate change: A PRI-Novethic assessment of global investor practices
For long-term investors, safeguarding investments requires mitigation of climate change.
PRI in Person 2017: Is shareholder engagement adding value?
This session unveils the findings of two pieces of PRI-commissioned research into shareholder engagement.
PRI in Person 2017: Climate Action 100+ call to action
Introducing a new initiative to ensure the largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters reduce emissions and increase climate disclosures.
Blog post
Local leads, backed by global scale: the drivers of successful engagement
The PRI encourages and facilitates collaborative engagement, yet robust evidence of its effectiveness in driving corporate change and creating value for investors remains elusive.
News and press
PRI and Ceres open collaborative engagement on deforestation to global investors
The PRI and Ceres today announced that their recently-launched collaborative engagement on deforestation, the Investor Initiative for Sustainable Forests, is open to institutional investors from around the world.
News and press
PRI welcomes launch of the FSC stewardship standard
The PRI today welcomed the launch of Australia’s first compulsory asset stewardship code for fund managers by the Financial Services Council (FSC).
News and press
Proxy season 2017: analysing the trends
With the 2017 proxy season now complete, it is time to take stock of the outcomes, analyse the voting trends and learn lessons for next year.
Engagement guide
Introduction to transition risk for oil and gas companies
The speed and scale of the energy transition is becoming more obvious every day, causing more investors to accept the need to improve their strategies to be well positioned as structural changes in the energy and related sectors occur.
Engagement guide
Scenario analysis – degrees of warming
Scenarios are often misrepresented. Ultimately they are one version of the future, not a prediction or forecast.
Engagement guide
2 degrees of separation: Transition risk for oil and gas in a low carbon world
Are the oil majors aligned with a 2°C target? This new analysis provides a way of understanding whether the supply options of the largest publicly traded oil and gas producers are aligned with demand levels consistent with the agreed target for maximum global warming.
Engagement guide
Calculating carbon supply cost curves in a 2°C scenario
In order to try and allocate the carbon budget at a company level, Carbon Tracker developed the carbon supply cost curve approach.
Engagement guide
Calculating a 2°C capex pathway for oil and gas companies
Having calculated the oil and gas production associated with a 2D scenario, we can then identify the level of capital expenditure required, and the delta to business-as-usual, (BAU).
Engagement guide
Oil and gas company/project exposure to a 2°C scenario
Companies that have a lower percentage of unneeded capex can be seen as more aligned with a 2D budget; companies with a greater percentage of unneeded capex warrant further attention from investors.
Engagement guide
NPV sensitivity of oil and gas companies to a 2°C scenario
The NPVs of a company’s 2D-compliant portfolio and its BAU portfolio can be compared to give an insight into the cost structures of the two and their relative values.
News and press
New guide reinforces benefits of engagement on director nominations
The PRI has launched a paper outlining the benefits and challenges of investor-company dialogue on director nominations, featuring best practices and lessons learnt from the US and France.
Engagement guide
Recommendations for engagement on director nominations
As a result of the analysis presented in this report, investors are encouraged to continue discussions with their investee companies on director nominations.
Engagement guide
Results from French engagement on director nominations
As with the US, investors chose to engage with 11 French companies ranked in the lower 50% of all CAC40 company performance based on their nominations process.