All Active Ownership 2.0 articles
Case study
Fidelity International: transitioning real estate assets to net zero
Making the best use of existing resources to meet targets.
What is system-level investing?
System-level investing explicitly focuses on how relationships within and between systems impact investment risks and returns
Blog post
How to maximise the value of proxy advisers
Josephine Notaras, PRI Sustainable Financial System team Manager, looks at the way investors use proxy advisers, where there are challenges in the voting chain, and how changes could be made.
Thought leadership
Holding boards accountable for ESG: A business case
This article sets out the case for investors to ensure that investee company boards are held accountable when it comes to sustainability.
Stewardship for sustainability: Responsible investment DDQ
This due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) has been developed to help asset owners and other investors better understand and evaluate how investment managers approach sustainability outcomes stewardship, consistent with the PRI’s Active Ownership 2.0 programme.
Proxy Season 2023: key takeaways and looking ahead
Are the tides changing? This session focuses on the key takeaways from the 2023 proxy season and what this could mean for 2024. Participants are equipped with the tools and guidance PRI offers to support investors throughout the proxy cycle.
Blog post
Amplification, not apathy: Investor proxy votes increasingly challenge corporates in 2023
By Bonnie Groves, Specialist, Stewardship and Yejin Hur, Intern, Stewardship
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: access to remedy
Key points from a workshop on 31 January 2023 where private markets industry participants discussed their role in providing access to remedy.
Policy report
Strengthening effective stewardship in Australia: Understanding barriers and opportunities
Building on the findings and recommendations in the reports, A Legal Framework for Impact, Legal Framework for Impact: Australia, and the Stewardship Policy Toolkit, this report sets out the findings of research into how Australian institutional investors conduct stewardship and identifies barriers that limit how effectively they use stewardship to ...
Reporting guidance
How to identify human rights risks: A practical guide in due diligence
As formalised by the UN and the OECD in 2011, institutional investors have a three-part responsibility to respect human rights
Proxy Season 2023: tools and resources from the PRI on voting and collaboration
This webinar will explore the tools and resources that PRI offers to support investors through the busy proxy season, including through the PRI Resolution Database.
Are corporate boards responding to successful shareholder ESG proposals?
Why corporate board responsiveness to shareholder proposals that receive significant support matters.
Discussion paper
A guide to filing impactful shareholder resolutions
This paper guides investors as to how they can use shareholder proposals to drive improvements at investee companies on matters related to ESG issues. The paper offers practical suggestions to ensure that proposals are effective and impactful.
Blog post
You’ve filed a shareholder proposal - what now?
By Chloe Horne, Stewardship Specialist, PRI
PRI in Person & Online: Breakout 5F - Empowering active ownership
How can stewardship and RI teams build a compelling case for resourcing at the organisational level?
Case study
Linzor: Responsible and active ownership in emerging market private equity
Implementing ESG and impact-related initiatives during the investment holding period
Blog post
Why we need to talk about resourcing stewardship
By Clara Melot, Specialist, Stewardship (Active Ownership 2.0), PRI
Engagement guide
Climate transition plan votes: Investor update
The increasing popularity of votes on transition plans, also known as say on climate votes, requires investors to understand the signals and potential consequences of such votes.
Academic Network Conference: shareholder engagement
What have we learned in a decade of academic research on stewardship and shareholder engagement? We will present the state of the art of research on the topic and discuss the most urgent questions we should address.
Case study
FAIRR Initiative: Sustainable proteins engagement
Investor initiative targeting 25 large food manufacturers and retailers, pressing them to increase use of sustainable proteins in their products.