All Academic research articles – Page 6
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Corporate disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions
The reporting of company-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a complex undertaking for companies and currently a voluntary activity in most European countries.
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The next generation of scenarios for climate change
In this paper Moss et al provide an overview of how scenarios of the future are used in climate change research to aid understanding of how changes in technology, lifestyle, and policies can address the risks of climate change, and outline a new process for developing these scenarios.
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Expert credibility in climate change
This study, published in 2010, aims to evaluate the extent of agreement among climate change scientists with the view of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that “anthropogenic [caused by humans] greenhouse gases have been responsible for most of the unequivocal warming of the Earth’s average temperature over the ...
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Investors' recognition of unburnable carbon
This paper analyses the reaction of the US stock market to the initial publication and subsequent media coverage of two climate change studies published in the journal Nature in 2009.
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Climate change impacts and adaptation in cities
With half of the world’s population living in cities, and the proportion increasing, addressing the greenhouse gas emissions from cities on future levels of climate change, and of the effects of climate change on cities, is increasingly relevant.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 4: Focus on climate
Climate-related investment practice is on the verge of rapid change.
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Stock duration and misvaluation
In Stock Duration and Misvaluation, Cremers, Pareek and Sautner (2012) empirically investigate whether the presence of institutional investors with short investment horizons has an impact on stock prices.
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Environmental and social consequences of climate change
In 2012 the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Environment Agency (DEFRA) produced a Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) evaluating the main climate-related risks and opportunities in eleven sectors in the UK, over the course of the current century to 2100.
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Long-term capitalism
In these articles, Barton and Wiseman outline their view that the short-term approaches to managing and investing in companies, approaches which were responsible for the financial crisis, still exist.
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Bribes and firm value
In Bribes and Firm Value, Zeume investigates whether the ability to use bribes creates company value.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 3: Long-termism in financial markets
Why is there so little academic research on long termism in financial markets?
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Uncertain times, plural rationalities and the pension fiduciary
Huang et al in this paper explore the application of the theory of plural rationality to defined benefit pension fund decision-making.
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Fiduciary duty and sin stocks: is vice really nice?
This paper investigates whether fiduciary duty obliges pension fund trustees to invest over-proportionally in ‘sin stocks’, i.e. companies operating in sectors traditionally considered unethical such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling and defence.
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Fiduciary duty and the search for a shared conception of sustainable investment
This paper reviews the historical legal background to the evolution of fiduciary duty in the UK, with reference to the parallel evolution of the concept in the US.
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The public fiduciary: a Canadian perspective
In this paper Waitzer and Sarro examine the role of pension fund trustees in Canada, and how the Supreme Court of Canada has developed a framework for fiduciary duty that has adapted to changing social and governance challenges.
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The voice of the beneficiary
Berry and Scanlan argue that beneficiaries should be consulted on the general policies of their pension fund, and that trustees should take their wishes into account when making investment decisions.
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The role of investment tools, investment beliefs and industry convention in changing interpretations of fiduciary duty
This paper examines how investment tools, beliefs and industry conventions impact the interpretation of fiduciary duty in the investment industry.
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The basis of fiduciary duty in investment in the United States
In this paper Youngdahl outlines the history and development of the concept of fiduciary duty in the United States.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 2: Fiduciary duty
In this second volume of the PRI Academic Network’s RI Quarterly we focus on the issue of fiduciary duty.
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Friends with money
This study investigates whether personal connections between the senior management of lending banks and the senior management of borrowing companies, such as having previously studied or worked at the same organisation, has an impact on the outcome of a company’s application for a loan in terms of both interest rate ...